Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life's A Climb

I can almost see it.
that dream I'm dreaming, but
there's a voice inside of my head, tellin'
you'll never reach it
every step I'm takin'
every move I make
feels lost in no direction,
my faith is shakin'
but I gotta keep tryin'
gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be an uphill battle
sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
ain't about how fast I get there
ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
it's a climb

The struggles I'm facing
the changes I'm taking
sometimes they knock me down, but
no I'm not breaking
I may not know where, but
these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most
I've just gotta keep goin', and
I gotta be strong
just keep pushing on, but

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be an uphill battle
sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
ain't about how fast I get there
ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
it's a climb

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be an uphill battle
sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
ain't about how fast I get there
ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
it's a climb

Keep on movin'
keep climbin'
keep faith baby
It's all about, it's all about
the climb
keep the faith, keep your faith, woah

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mata kuyunya membuat ku layu

huhu... apekah yg ku maksudkn?? hee ni la hsil karyaku d dalam ITPM nyer lab..
adeii..dis lab is very de bosan one..huu da la GA ni..adeii, mata kuyunya i2, bila dtenung, memg layula...dgn mata2 aku skali layu..huahua sebnrnyer xdek pe sgt yg ak nk ckp kt cni..sje jek menghilgkn kebosanan yg menghantui..wakakaka

n one more..ary ni niena da tau kewujudan blog ak, ak xb'sedia lgy sebenrnyer nk m'brytahu teman2ku...tpy xpela..dis one, i xkesah... kawan2... ak nk bgtaula,ak bukannyer xnk bg tau korg sal ni, tpy ak ni bknnyer a good blogger, so i dun think dat u all will like it..maybe dis will make me look liake a dumb....hoho

emm...da kui 5 ni..ak blah dlu ek..tku2 xsmpt nk shutdown...hee k

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Haaa.. Ni la first tyme ak ase nk tulis something..tpy smething 2 ape ek..huu ak pn xtau.. tpy kn kdg2 ak ase ade many2 thing yg ak nk ckp..tpy... where should i start first???? huu
i dun know la..skang ni ak ase cm hidup ak ni nth pape jek..sume yg ak bt sume serba xkena..adeiii...macam2 la yg t'jdy akhir2 ni... huu.. NTAHLAH.. xrety ak.. stakat ni la dlu kot..huu c ya next tyme.. nk c sape..huahua no one..